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Using Social Prescribing in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to Improve the Climate: A Review
  • Ecem Mimoglu,
  • Fauzi Alhakmi
Ecem Mimoglu
Imperial College London

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Fauzi Alhakmi
Imperial College London
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Climate change is a public health emergency, and its global impact on women's health has been well-described. As a key tool in this arena, social prescribing enables climate-conscious, cost-effective, and holistic solutions to many patient concerns by encouraging local, environmentally friendly care that can effectively prevent carbon-heavy outpatient appointments and surgical procedures. A variety of obstetric and gynaecological issues can be tackled through this route, including menorrhagia, labour choices, and vaginal pessaries. Existing evidence suggests that there is great scope for the development of social prescribing programs that can pave the way for collective action towards greener, holistic patient care.